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Dual Citizenship and Retirement in the Philippines

PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE TIES: Living in the Philippines but Keeping Ties with Hawaii—A Retiree’s First Person Account, Role of Hawaii’s Care Home Providers—Transfer of Expertise to Help Develop the Retirement Industry in the Philippines

AARP’s Filipino Advocate, “Living in the Philippines but Keeping Ties with Hawaii"

Toy Arre was appointed to the (American Association of Retired People) AARP’s Executive Council for volunteers in 2012, an advocacy role he still holds today. He currently is a leader on Filipino issues and engagement — his responsibilities include strategic planning, community collaboration and volunteer recruitment as well as hosting a radio program for Filipinos about AARP on KNDI Radio 1270 AM every Monday morning.He moved to Hawaii in the spring of 1959 to attend the UHM.In 1979 he became the director of finance for the City and County of Honolulu — the first Filipino to hold a Cabinet position in Honolulu. He also worked in the city’s budget office as its deputy director. After retiring with 38 years of service for Honolulu and Hawa’i, Toy Arre found himself in Manila when Mayor Lito Atienza sought his financial expertise, prompting him to move to the Philippines and become a financial consultant for Atienza for 51/2 years.He then returned to Hawaii to head the FilCom Center before retiring a second time in 2012.

Life as a Retiree in the Philippines—Why it Worked for Me

Ruth Elynia Mabanglo retired from the University of Hawaii a few years ago and moved back to the Philippines. Since her retirement, she has served as consultant to the NCCA, lectured at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and is doing translation work of classical poetry pieces in Filipino as well as writing her own literary works. She is both a poet and scholar. She has been publishing poetry for over 30 years and has received numerous literary awards and honors, most recently the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature Hall of Fame Award, the 1992 Commission on Filipino Language "Makata ng Taon" (Poet of the Year) for the poem "Gahasa" (Rape), and the Manila Critics Circle 1990 National Book Award for Poetry for Mga Liham ni Pinay (The Letters of Pinay). Ruth has also published many academic works when she was a professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, where she taught Tagalog Language and Literature.

Dual Nationalism: Is this Politically Possible for Dual Citizens?

Patricio “Jojo” Abinales is a political science professor at the University of Hawaii in Manoa since 2011. He grew up on the northwestern side of the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. He graduated with a degree in History from the University of the Philippines-Diliman (UP), and Ph.D. in Government and Southeast Asian Studies from Cornell University. He taught at the Department of Political Science at Ohio University from 1997 to 1999 before moving to the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University in 2000. From 2010-2011, Jojo was a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC, where he did research on the political economy of US economic assistance in Muslim Mindanao. Apart from his academic work, Jojo also writes political commentaries and book reviews for two e-magazines – Rappler in the Philippines, and Positively Filipino which is based in San Francisco.

Medicare Portability: Its Impact on US Retirees in the Philippines

Eric Lachica is the organizer and incorporator of the US Medicare PH, Inc., an organization founded in 2011 that initiated a campaign to convince US leaders to allow long-term Medicare benefits coverage in the Philippines. Filipino Americans are part of the daily "tsunami" of 10,000 baby boomers who reach 65-years. Although they can take their Social Security pensions anywhere in the world, the law does not provide for long-term Medicare benefit coverage overseas – unlike private medical insurance. The organization’s goal in 2021-22 is to obtain a Medicare Portability Feasibility Study from the US Congress on the cost savings with the PH healthcare industry based on their past three years' experience and the quality of care provided to 30,000 thousand US military retirees in the TRICARE and VA PHILIPPINES programs and the 30,000 Guam Medicare beneficiaries who are treated at the top PH hospitals at low prices.


Rose Y. Bautista, Past President of the Big Island Filipino Chamber of Commerce, is an immigration lawyer and has over 20 years of experience providing services in immigration and nationality law. She received her bachelor’s degree from Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles and law degree from University of Puget Sound School of Law in Washington State. Most recently she served as Executive Assistant to Mayor Harry Kim (2016-2020) and as Hawaii County’s Immigration Specialist (2001-2016) where she assisted thousands of immigrants navigate thru the complexities of immigration law. In 2016, she received the Big Island YWCA’s “Remarkable People” Award.

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